Hand on the heart, chin up (or eyes focused on the textbook) and singing along with the Dutch national anthem, that’s how a cantus always starts. So the same goes for this one.
The days when the cantus took place in the Van der Goot exam hall are long gone. With the current five thousand attendees, it wouldn’t fit anyway. So this Tuesday, this sing-along party will once again touch down in Ahoy.
Most students have little trouble loosening up this evening. The mood is quickly set. Standing on the benches is not allowed, as is drinking outside the trink bruderlein trink song. Forgetting that for a moment can happen to the best of us. The former is addressed, the latter somewhat less so.
For some students, the music is too danceable to stand still. They already started in the queue outside. Then in the rain, now in a warm Ahoy. Fortunately, there are pitchers filled with water.
The ‘loot’ was shown off by many tables to the other groups. This one was quite impressive, but there were even higher stacks – okay, those did fall over quickly.
Who organised this week? The week’s management poses for a group photo in the middle of the singing students.
Is a cantus complete without fireworks? At least not this one. According to the cantus band’s singer, this Eurekaweek is a great start to the new year. Memories and friends are made right here.
Possibly this philantropist did not read the advice story on How to survive the Eurekaweek. This student wasn’t the only one to leave a floor pizza around somewhere – more have been spotted. For example, on the pavement and in the metro.
Before the evening was over for the Eurekaweek crew, they had to clean up. Those tables and benches went back into the pile that same night. For this year it is done at the Ahoy venue, who knows until next year.