Piles of bulky waste, dozens of fines in a single day, and a flood of complaints. The…
Well-being app: brilliant idea or a waste of money? That’s what EM's question last…
Erasmus MC is working on a monument to commemorate the attack that took place on 28…
The programmes at Erasmus MC now have 600 additional study spaces and 60 new workspaces.…
After just three weeks of using ROOM, students report feeling less stressed. At least,…
This year, enforcement officers have new shifts during the Eurekaweek. Until the early…
"You're going to think back on this your whole life", promises the cantus singer to a…
Research funding body NWO has been hit by a cyberattack. While the damage appears to be…
Whether you want to lounge, have lunch, play long games or like to catch up with your new…
Eurekaweek kicked off on Monday morning at Ahoy with an opening full of old and new…
While the average Dutch person will have 0.7 per cent more to spend next year, students…
Transgressive behaviour in the academic world is sadly nothing new, and all kinds of…
Broaden your gaze, is what critics in higher education and research are saying to the…
Fewer international students, the slow-progress penalty... Even if the plans turn out not…