Annoyances about students leaving their spot in the Polak Building unused for hours can now be soothed. This week, the University Library introduced the ‘time cube’, an invention of low tech with a sci-fi name. Do students think the cube will actually help solve the space problem? EM asked around in the Polak Building.

Philipp Burkowski, Austrian, Master in Accounting and Financial Management Student


“I get annoyed at the fact that people claim a spot and then leave for a five-hour lunch or coffee break. I understand that students leave just for a lecture, but if they decide to have a break after that, they should come back to their spot and either change the time or take their stuff and leave. I think it will work, we are at a university, this is not a kindergarten, people will trust each other and people will come and go at the expected time people say they will be back. We had this concept at my previous university in Germany and it was very effective. I hope there will be a central spot in Polak where we can get the time cubes, because now its still unclear.”

Nina Feuerstein, Austrian, Second Year IBA Student


“I love the concept. Its been around since yesterday and I have seen a few examples around Polak already, and it seems to be working. I find it really annoying to get up really early in the morning just so I can secure a spot. Getting to Polak early in the morning to then spread your papers and flashcards on your desk to claim it for the day, reminds me a bit of the German towel concept, where each German tourist will leave their towel on a beach chair the night before to make sure they have got one for the next day”. Despite the fact that it will be beneficial, Nina also spotted one big issue. “It is not sustainable. You can only write on the time cube once, and then you have to get a new one. Perhaps, the Sustainability Hub can look into it to make it more environmentally-friendly”

Tom De Nijs, Dutch, First Year IBA Student

Tom de Nijs

“I’m very unfamiliar with this concept but it definitely sounds like a good solution to a common problem on campus. I really cannot stand the students who just leave their stuff behind and take a break for too long. I only leave my study materials behind when I’m taking a break shorter than half an hour, but when I go for lunch or to class, I will take my things with me. I just think its rude and inappropriate to leave your things behind when someone else is trying to find a spot to study. If it becomes consistent and everyone starts using it, I believe people will adapt to the problem and this can work as a collective solution.”