The ‘Grietenpresentatie jaartje 23’ presentation contains photos (including in bikini) of students of the all-girl student association UVSV. Their full names are mentioned. Comments have been added of the calibre ‘Needs a quick shag’. Some of the women are called monsters.
The list is said to have made the rounds amongst students. The two creators have reportedly been suspended. The USC, which only accepts male members, is calling it a shameful and repulsive act. “It goes without saying that the biggest priority is providing proper support to the victims, which we’re in close contact about with the UVSV board.”
Other incidents
Rough hazing, violence, slut lists, sexist speeches… student association members regularly make the news because of transgressive behaviour.
Societies are apparently working on a cultural change. They tend to promise this to higher education institutions, municipalities and other parties when they lose administrative grants or are no longer welcome at official occasions.
The Utrechtsch Studenten Corps is also working on a cultural change. “Although we’ve already made many steps in the right direction, this transgression shows that we as an association are still not nearly where we want to be”, reads the response.
Utrecht University and HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht have been informed by the association and say they are ‘unpleasantly surprised’. They think the situation is ‘painful and entirely reprehensible’.
“We realise that a board cannot always prevent transgressive incidents taking place”, a written response reads. “We do think it is essential that student associations do whatever they can, based on a healthy association culture, to prevent transgressions and take effective action should these occur nonetheless.”
This is pretty much the same response as last year, when the USC was criticised over a sexual performance. At the association’s clubhouse, a stripper had been photographed with a wine bottle in her behind, possibly intended for a ring toss.
This time around, administrators of the two higher education institutions have announced they’ll give the USC board a firm talking-to. After this, they’ll decide on possible ‘additional measures’. The association could lose administrative grants. In the Utrecht municipal council, questions have also been asked about the incident.
Sexually transgressive behaviour isn’t always limited to words and photos. One in ten women is raped in their time as a student, a survey by Amnesty International showed. In August of last year, a student pact was made to raise awareness of the problems involving associations and their members.