You can write about anything you like, as long as it touches on university matters or student life. From the smell coming from your housemate’s room to the quality of your lecturers, student debt or stress and workload, anything goes. But you will need to write fluently and with guts and humour.
The columns will be assessed by a jury composed of the columnists Dora Tolstoy, Dino Gačević and Ronald van Raak (professor of Erasmian values) and EM’s editor-in-chief Wieneke Gunneweg. The jury will particularly focus on humour, observational ability and linguistic fluency.
If you win, you will get to write a column for every four weeks during this academic year. You will be paid for your columns and you will get writing support from an experienced editor.
Submit your column (300 to 500 words at most) to [email protected] before Monday 18 September. Please add your CV and a short motivation.
nice opportunity you offer!
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