compensatieprotest studentenprotest demonstratie leenstelsel studieschuld hypotheek 5 februari – josephine hartmann
Image credit: Josephine Hartmann
compensatieprotest studentenprotest leenstelsel hypotheek 5 februari – Josephine Hartmann
If you want to buy a house and you have a student debt, you’ll get a lower mortgage. Image credit: Josephine Hartmann
compensatieprotest studentenprotest leenstelsel demonstratie mondkapje krompensatie – josephine hartmann
Even the face mask served as a protest sign. Image credit: Josephine Hartmann
compensatieprotest studentenprotest leenstelsel demonstratie genaaide generatie 5 februari – josephine hartmann
On stage, the talk was about the ‘bad luck generation’, members of Rood, the youth branch of the Socialist Party SP, spoke of ‘the screwed generation’. Image credit: Josephine Hartmann
compensatieprotest studentenprotest leenstelsel demonstratie rutte aan het stuur student tegen de muur – josephine hartmann
Image credit: Josephine Hartmann
compensatieprotest studentenprotest leenstelsel rutte geen actieve herinnering 5 februari demonstratie – josephine hartmann
Jokes about the Prime Minister’s (lack of) memory were very popular. Image credit: Josephine Hartmann
compensatieprotest studentenprotest leenstelsel demonstratie krompensatie 5 februari – josephine hartmann
Students who were and are covered by the loan system will receive a compensation now that the system is being abolished. This will probably amount to about 1,000 euros, while they would have received about 14,000 euros with a student grant. That is why they call it #krompensatie (‘unfair’ compensation) Image credit: Josephine Hartmann
compensatieprotest studentenprotest leenstelsel vouceher 5 februari – hoger onderwijs persbureau
As additional compensation, the loan system generation will receive ‘study vouchers’ that they can use for extra training after graduating. But you can’t pay the rent with those, according to this demonstrator. Image credit: Hoger Onderwijs Persbureau
compensatieprotest leenstelsel duo last – hoger onderwijs persbureau
In solidarity with his student daughter and others having study debts, a man joined the protest march with a heavy burden around his neck. Image credit: Hoger Onderwijs Persbureau

Read the report about the protest

Big turnout at compensation protest: ‘Even Rotterdam students came to Amsterdam’

Around seven thousand students gathered on Museum Square in Amsterdam to protest against…