
This centre coordinates the distribution of corona patients among Dutch hospitals and is located in the Erasmus MC education centre.

“It’s really a military operation”, says Jasper in the vlog about the LCPS. The Ministry of Defence is involved in the organisation of the temporary centre and there are regular military personnel spotted where normally medical students were toiling on their studies.

Watch yesterday's vlog from Britt Hoeven

Students in the ICU: This is how you walk around safely in the corona unit

How do hospital staff prevent themselves from becoming infected with the coronavirus? In…

During the corona crisis, EM medical students are working in Erasmus MC’s intensive care unit, where many corona patients are treated. Every Monday Merve Rousian will tell about her week, on Tuesday it’s Robbert-Jan Raad’s turn , on Wednesday you can watch Britt Hoeven and Jasper Klasen is last but not least on Thursday. Overview of all episodes >>