The International Institute of Social Studies celebrated it’s 65th anniversary recently. A (kind of) random selection of nine pictures from the past 65 years.

ISS 65 years in pictures – Class Photo 1976 -2000
1976 – A class photo in front of Noordeinde Palace Image credit: ISS Archives
Prinses Beatrix woont lezing bij 10-jarig bestaan ISS 1962 fotoburerau Thuring (Haags Photo Archieve) – 2000
Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands visiting a lecture to celebrate ISS’s 10-year Anniversary. Image credit: fotobureau Thuring/Haags fotoarchief
International Food Fair27 januari 2005
International Day – 7 January 2005. ISS hosts an International Day every year. Students present something from their home country, cook local food and perform traditional dances. This year’s International Day is on 25 November. Image credit: ISS Archives
ISS 65 years in pictures – student housing in 2000
2000 – Two students in the common room of the student housing, in the Bazaarlaan, just around the corner from the ISS building Image credit: ISS Archives
2016 – Two students in the same kitchen, 16 years later. Image credit: ISS Archives
volleyball noordeinde
Students playing volleyball in the garden of Noordeinde Palace Image credit: ISS Archives
ISS 65 years in pictures – ISS building 55 year anniversary – 2000
2007, two years before the ISS became an Erasmus institute. A banner on the corner of the building celebrates the 55th Anniversary. Image credit: ISS Archives
ISS 65 years in pictures – Drinks at the Dies Natalis 1970 -2000
1970 – The drinks at the 18th Dies Natalis at Noordeinde Palace Image credit: ISS Archives