Chickens with cow hooves, storks with human feet and five ugly brothers in a haunted mansion on the abandoned island of Ork is all you need for a good horror comedy. The Danish Men & Chicken, which was screened at the Erasmus @ IFFR Film Night, attracted a large group of enthusiastic students. EM was present and talked with a few students about the rather strange yet humorous Danish horror comedy, the International Film Festival and what their plans are for the next two weeks.

Stefano, 24, Master International Public Management student from Italy

men and chicken 3
Image credit: Tom Hollestelle

This is my first time at the International Film Festival in Rotterdam, and I’m not quite sure what to expect. Men & Chicken was a very strange comedy to me, as I did not expect the five brothers to all be genetically half animal, but I’m looking forward to the next two weeks. It feels great to live in a city where the International Film Festival takes place, I’m loving the atmosphere already!”

Auré, 21, Bachelor Communication and Media student from Belgium

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Image credit: Tom Hollestelle

“I’m really into performing and I have a great passion for comedy, so I can’t wait to learn from more movies and talents during the next two weeks of the film festival. I found it very strange in the sense that the brothers were all experiments of their father. He had cross-breaded them with different animals. Despite that, it was a good movie to me”

Francesca, 24, Master International Public Management student from Italy

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Image credit: Tom Hollestelle

“I knew it was going to be a strange movie, but I definitely didn’t expect to see this. Strange or not, I love the fact that the movie was in its original language. Usually films get dubbed into English, but that takes away the beautifulness. This is my first time at the International Film Festival so I can’t wait to see what more it has to offer!”