The exam hall is currently located on the ground floor of the Van der Goot Building. Due to renovation and construction plans in the building, the exam hall must be relocated, according to a spokesperson for Erasmus University. The Van der Goot Building will be renovated and a new building for student accommodation will likely be built next door. Things should be quiet again around the building in 2026, at which time the exam location will move back.

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Only the squash courts in the old sports building will be left unchanged and remain in use. The sports halls, some corridors, the former canteen and several changing rooms will be renovated. This should make room for 1,225 digital exam stations.

Before it is possible to take exams in the sports building, numerous adjustments must be made. Because most testing is currently done using Chromebooks, many additional electric outlets are needed. This will require wiring. WiFi signal boosters will also be installed. To make the building more accessible, another lift will be added. The systems for ventilation, cooling, lighting, burglary prevention and fire safety need to be updated as well.

Once the exam room next to the Van der Goot Building reopens, the old sports building will be demolished.