The Eurekaweek, for instance, resulted in 38 Covid-19 infections. “That’s not much when you think of the thousands of partying students during the introduction week”, confirms Els Veltkamp, spokesperson for GGD Rotterdam-Rijnmond. A total of 4,000 students attended the Eurekaweek.

The EL CID in Leiden has even better figures: among the 4,000 participants only 20 tested positive. More than 7,000 tests were done during the EL CID. Most of the introduction weeks worked with ‘Testing for Access’. This means that a negative coronavirus test is needed in order to take part in activities.

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Testing-for-entry Eurekaweek bubble not watertight

Eurekaweek did everything in its power to keep corona out, including using the Testen…

Social distancing

In Groningen 5,500 students took part in the KEI week. Of the ‘thousands of tests’ that were done just three were positive. The number of infections in Utrecht was low too: four people out of the 2,000 participants in the UIT tested positive. In Delft, as in Utrecht, social distancing was observed during the introduction week. Among the 3,000 participants in the OWEE week in Delft no infections have yet been established.

“We can be proud of what we as students have achieved”, in the view of LOCI chairman Youp Theunisz.

Provisional result

Not all the introduction weeks have yet taken place; for example, the Intreeweek of the University of Amsterdam begins this week. In addition, some of the introduction weeks took place too recently to be able to say anything about the number of infections. It generally takes five or six days for coronavirus symptoms to come to light.

The small number of infections during the introduction weeks gives the universities confidence for the coming academic year. That emerged yesterday at a press conference of the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU). In this academic year students can once again attend on-campus classes without any need for social distancing.