At Skadi, the ‘Skadians’ are busy with the annual DIY week. “Members are helping with the preparations for Eurekaweek”, says outgoing president Floor Ruttenberg. “From painting a wall to setting up the bar, there’s plenty to do. The association is beginning to wake up from its summer sleep again.” Her successor Gilles Luyendijk adds: “You notice that everybody is looking forward to the Eurekaweek, that everyone is brimming with energy. New students will be arriving next week, and that all feels so reassuring.”

laurentius eurekaweek terras foto Fabienne Hoogendoorn (7)

part of special

Students associations

Eurekaweek is usually the place to scour the student associations to see which one…

Open until midnight

Skadi counts itself lucky to have its own grounds along the Noorderkanaal. They have applied for a permit to stay open until midnight. Five other student associations housed closer to neighbourhood residents are only allowed to party on their outdoor terraces until 11 pm. Everyone has to go home after that.

At the press conference on 2 August, the students were told that they would be allowed to have a party after all, albeit subject to certain conditions. The party may not take place indoors, testing for entry (Testen voor Toegang) must be carried out, and a maximum of 750 people are allowed to attend.

Barbecuing in shiftsv

Laurentius, SSR-Rotterdam, RSC/RVSV and Skadi can also host 750 people each day during Eurekaweek. “That is way too many for us”, says Bas Radder, president of NSR. There is room for 450 people at the club on the Eendrachtsplein. “We were afraid it wouldn’t be possible at all, so this is already really fantastic.”

There is not much room on RSG’s pavement in front of the club on the Haringvliet either. “The barbecue on Sunday for those staying in our houses will therefore be held in two shifts”, says Mathilde Lones from RSG. The outdoor terrace on Haringvliet can accommodate a maximum of 200 people at a time.

‘Utter chaos'

“The last few months have been utter chaos”, says Lars Ahsman from Laurentius. “Since the last press conference, we have been constantly in conclave with the municipality of Rotterdam. They are very cooperative and lots of things are possible.” With every change made to the regulations, the plans and consequently the permit applications changed too. Scott Wentzel of SSR is also very happy with the way the municipality of Rotterdam is helping to come up with ideas together. This year, for example, the club is allowed to build another outdoor terrace on the Westersingel. “And that is a really cool location.”