Both the university and the Kralingen-Crooswijk area committee had wanted a walk-through test site by the campus for some time. However, this was not easy to arrange, says Roel Ensing from GGD Rotterdam-Rijnmond. In this region, there are already 150 to 200 ‘swab samplers’ working seven days a week. “Due to lack of capacity, we are here for three days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday.”


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Official start of coronavirus campaign by and for students: ‘Cut the bullshit, get tested’

The number of coronavirus cases among Rotterdam students has risen by 10 to 32 since…

Students who think they may have symptoms during Eurekaweek may not spontaneously drop in. However, the presence of the test site is no coincidence. The university and the GGD want to emphasise the importance of testing, as part of the campaign ‘cut the bullshit, get tested’.

Near the main entrance to campus Woudestein, there are several signs saying ‘GGD test site’. New students will hardly be able to miss it. However, they don’t get many questions from students, says Ensing. But that’s fine. “Our presence sends out a message.”

eurekaweek2020_04 ggd testen coronavirus
Image credit: Aysha Gasanova

Do you want to be tested? Make an appointment first. Just call the national appointment number 0800 1202.