“We often turn patients with corona on their stomachs, because with this type of lung failure it is important to make the posterior lung fields available for ventilation,” says Boyd, assistant physician at the Intensive Care. “In addition, the heart is in front of the lungs, which also makes it easier to reach the lung fields via the back.
After the explanation, Merve, together with colleagues, shows how patients are turned on their stomach. Colleague Assia, an ICU nurse in training, talks about the things you need to pay attention to. “You have to pay close attention to the breathing, because the person can become unstable while turning. You also have to pay attention to the patient’s posture. Is everything free? Don’t forget to anoint and tape their eyes so that those don’t become dehydrated”.
During the corona crisis, medical students are working in Erasmus MC’s intensive care unit, where many corona patients are treated. Every week Merve Rousian, Britt Hoeven and Jasper Klasen vlog about their experiences in the ICU. Overview of all episodes >>