Jasper Klasen was doing his internship at the polyclinic for dermatology until all internships were cancelled because of the corona crisis. So at first, he was sitting at home for a few days doing nothing. “That didn’t feel right”, he says. Luckily, his former employer, the Sophia Children’s Hospital, called to see if he could help at the intensive care unit for children.
Among other things, he helped set up a room for corona patients. “They can wait here for the results of the test they had at the emergency room.” Jasper experiences a heavy work load, but also enjoys it very much. “We worked with a whole new team of people who’d never met before. But everyone felt welcome, and the atmosphere was very good.”
During the corona crisis, EM medical students are working in Erasmus MC’s intensive care unit, where many corona patients are treated. Every Monday Merve Rousian will tell about her week, on Tuesday it’s Robbert-Jan Raad’s turn , on Wednesday you can watch Britt Hoeven and Jasper Klasen is last but not least on Thursday. Overview of all episodes >>