Kwestie EN – coronavirus pandemiegevaar – bas van der schot

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News messages and articles on the coronavirus

Concerns about canceled anatomy lectures

17:45 – Professor of Anatomy at Erasmus MC Gert-Jan Kleinrensink is concerned. Just like all other classes, his lectures are canceled for the time being, while the bodies of deceased people who have donated themselves to science keep coming in.. For now, there is sufficient storage capacity, but Kleinrensink fears that this may soon be different.

Read more

Kleinrensink: ‘Storage could run out for donated bodies’

What kind of impact does the corona epidemic have on lecturers and researchers? Professor…

Erasmus TV with subtitles

16:44 – This morning, the third episode of Erasmus TV was Dutch spoken. Fortunately we now have a subtitled version for you. Enjoy this show about education at Erasmus MC and the unique position of medical students. Watch below.



peter van bergeijk weblecture

15:41 – Are your lectures canceled or not yet digitized? Peter van Bergeijk of the International Institute for Social Studies (ISS) at your service, with an online lecture about the coronavirus and its impact on the global economy. Do you want to know how the coronanomics works? Then watch this web lecture.

How's Hatta doing?

14:37 – For many people, the corona epidemic means lots of stress and social isolation. How are the international students in the Hatta building doing? They have to stay here, far away from family and friends, or are scrambling to get home. Watch the video.


Shuffling and digitizing education at Erasmus MC

walter van den broek in erasmus tv

12:58 – Walter van den Broek is director of education at Erasmus MC. In the talkshow Erasmus TV he talked about all the complications of disseminating as much online education as quickly as possible. An important ingredient is shuffling the curriculum, so that more complex lectures are given time to be digitized. “Online streaming is very well possible in the bachelor’s, since there are many large lectures,” said Van den Broek. “We are now looking at what material we can exactly convert to digital. We have a policies and advice department that can support the teachers. What doesn’t work well digitally are the skills classes, which are often physical one-to-one trainings. We can, however, move other classes to the forefront, such as the essay that bachelor students have to write. This gives lecturers from other subjects more time to digitize their lectures. ”

Postcard campaign for Erasmus MC

em with compliments erasmus mc kaartenactie
EM sends a thank you card as well.

12:24 – At many hospitals, it’s all hands on deck right now. On Instagram, the boutique shop KEET Rotterdam has launched a postcard campaign to support employees of Erasmus MC . Anyone who would like to send a postcard to thank a doctor, nurse or other hospital employee can send it to KEET, which is located in the hospital. You can also drop it off at the hospital itself.

The address is:

Tav Kaartenactie Erasmus MC
Oppert 2a
3011HV Rotterdam

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Lieve volgers‼️‼️‼️‼️ De Italianen organiseerde een hartverwarmende flashmob: Ze applaudisseren samen op balkons om alle zorgverleners te bedanken. ?? Wij willen, dan wel kleinschalig, eenzelfde blijk van waardering organiseren en dat samen met jullie!!! ❤️ Een kaartenactie voor alle zorgmedewerkers in het Erasmus MC die met man en macht strijden voor de Corona patiënten die bij hun in het ziekenhuis liggen. ? Aangezien onze @keetboetiek gehuisvest is in het @erasmusmc hebben we gelukkig een kort lijntje naar al deze Helden. Doen jullie mee⁉️⁉️ Heb je één of meerdere leuke kaarten, schrijf deze met een mooie algemene boodschap om deze Helden een hart onder de riem te steken en stuur hem naar onderstaand adres. Wij zorgen ervoor dat alle kaarten bij zoveel mogelijk personeel zal worden afgeleverd. ? Uiteraard klimmen wij als Team KEET in de pen, maar het zou fantastisch zijn als jullie met ons meedoen en massaal gehoor geven aan deze oproep. Trommel je vrienden, familie, collega’s en buren op om ook een kaartje te sturen. Hoe meer kaarten we ontvangen des te meer Helden we kunnen verblijden. KEET bv Tav Kaartenactie Erasmus MC Oppert 2a 3011HV Rotterdam Uiteraard kan je het kaartje ook afgeven op beide locaties. SHARING = CARING‼️‼️‼️‼️ Super bedankt alvast, Liefs, TEAM KEET ? - - - . . #zeghetmeteenkaart #kaart #heart #echtepostiszoveelleuker #kaartje #wenskaart #zwartwit #creativityfound #lovetocreate #minimal #lettersandlines #keetrotterdam #rotterdam #oppert #conceptstore #hotspotrotterdam #onlinemeetsoffline #shoutout #thankful #hospital #corona #beatthevirus #virus #grateful #gratefulheart

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Hundreds of online lectures

10:22 – Teachers are starting to gain momentum with their online lectures. According to rector magnificus Rutger Engels, 462 online lectures have already been given this week. “And hundreds, if not thousands, of students have used it.” Since November 2018, Erasmus University has had a modern studio for recording and live connections and do-it-yourself booths. The Erasmus TV talk show itself is broadcast from the Learning & Innovation Lab.

Erasmus TV live from 9 o'clock

8:37 – The fourth episode of Erasmus TV is live this morning at 9 o’clock. The episode will focus on Erasmus MC and the special situation of medical students. Walter van den Broek, director of education at Medicine, will talk about that. Rutger Engels, rector magnificus of Erasmus University, will also be a guest of with an update on the state of affairs from the Executive Board.