The winners of the European elections were already known of course, but now the results per voting station have been released as well. At Erasmus MC were two voting stations next to each other. Most of the voters there voted for GroenLinks, namely 22.1 percent. The VVD ended up second with 17.3 percent and the third place went to PvdA with 15.7 percent. At the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) in The Hague GroenLinks got the most votes, namely 22.9 percent.

At the voting stations on campus Woudestein, most visitors voted for the VVD (25.4 percent). Second was GroenLinks with 24.6 percent of the votes, and third D66 with 17 percent.

The voting stations at the university were not only accessible for students and employees, but everyone in Rotterdam was allowed to vote in these stations. At a national level, most votes went to the PvdA (18.9 percent), VVD (14.6 percent) and CDA (12.1 percent).

stemlokaal c-hal tweede kamerverkiezingen 2017 (3)

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Voting stations for the European elections available at EUR

Voting stations will be placed in the Theil building on Woudestein campus and at Erasmus…