Since Van den Boom’s appointment as interim dean on 1 March 2018, she has been working on plans for a more ‘robust’ Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (ESHCC). The former UvA Rector Magnificus was charged with this task upon commencing with her appointment in Rotterdam. The draft recommendation consists of three possible scenarios: continuing as an independent school, merging with Philosophy, or merging with Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences (ESSB). In her definitive recommendation, the interim dean indicated that in her view, the last option was the best way forward.
Most likely option
From Van Den Boom’s perspective, the merger with ESSB has seemed to be the most likely option for some time now. It was only during the faculty council meeting this past Monday that she said this out loud for the first time. “We now have all the information,” said the interim dean. “We looked at how this plan would affect the university, what the added value is for scientific research, for education, for support staff, and last but not least, for the faculty’s finances.”
ESHCC employees remain critical of the plans: a majority wish to remain independent. In late February, 115 people signed a letter to the Executive Board, voicing their opposition to the scenario calling for a merger with ESSB. There is also dissension within ESSB regarding the possible merger: 48 employees likewise sent a letter against the plans. This was an initiative of the Department of Psychology, Education and Child Studies (DPECS).
The ESHCC faculty council has organised meetings for employees to discuss the definitive recommendation on Monday, 1 April and Tuesday, 2 April. Together, they also want to send a letter to the Executive Board. This letter has to be sent no later than Friday, 5 April, in the hope that the executives will take it into consideration when making their decision. It is currently unclear when the Executive Board will make a decision based on this recommendation.
ESHCC employees who wish to attend one of the meetings can go to the meeting on Monday morning, 1 April, from 10:00 to 11:30, in the Polak Building (room Y1-10), or to the meeting on Tuesday afternoon, 2 April, from 15:00 to 16:30, in Polak Y1-10.