The student wasn’t using his prescribed medication and was using drugs, which worsened his mental condition. Students and staff members no longer felt safe in his presence. In February, the psychology student was given a last warning. As his fellow students could not be guaranteed a safe educational environment, the student has been suspended for a year. He feels this is unjust and hopes to soon be allowed back at the university and his particular study programme again. For this reason, he has also filed a case with the Appeals Tribunal for Higher Education (in Dutch: College van Beroep Hoger Onderwijs).

Banned from campus

“The Erasmus University does not comment on individual students or employees”, states a spokesperson. “A campus ban has occurred before, but it is quite rare.” Out of thousands of students, only three were banned from campus in 2016, for instance. Usually these are ‘people who have become aggressive due to the nature of a disease, or people who simply have a very short fuse’.

campus; woudestein; security; eur; universiteit; university

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Erasmus University imposes three campus bans in 2016

Two of these concern verbal abuse aimed at staff and a threat to a former doctoral…