Jeffrey Seij, 19, who studies Public Administration at EUR, loves parties, festivals and the like. Over the next few months he will be very happy to review and report on his party experiences, and will also provide monthly tips on the greatest parties thrown in Rotterdam.

This month Rotterdam has something on offer for absolutely everyone. You’ll be able to wear flip-flops and white socks to Hef’s Birthday Bash, stamp your Nike Air Max-clad feet at the Easter edition of the Rotterdam Rave while dressed up as an Easter bunny, or dance ’till you drop at Tears.

Hef’s Birthday Bash

Image credit: Annabel

By now, everyone on the Dutch rap scene must be familiar with Hef Bundy. If you don’t know Hef or his songs, you must have lived under a rock for the last few years. The rapper is celebrating his birthday on 18 March, and he’s marking the occasion with met Hef’s Birthday Bash at Annabel’s. Everyone is invited to this great party, which, in addition to a performance by Hef himself, will feature performances by his brother Crooks and half-brother Adje. Tickets are only €10 each, so dig up your dressing gown, white socks and flip-flops, and I’ll see you there!

To rave is to live

“Rotterdam is Rave. Rotterdam is Techno.” These words of wisdom sum up the Easter Edition of the Rotterdam Rave, which will rock the foundations of the Maassilo on 24 March. What with the ultra-loud line-up, featuring artists such as Len Faki, Blawan, Tommy Four Seven and Sam Paganini, expectations are running very high indeed. Personally, I’m wondering if the Maassilo will still be standing after this party. I can’t wait – can you?


Hypnotic sounds

Last but not least, Annabel’s will host the Tears party on Saturday, 26 March. This night, brought to you by two of Rotterdam’s leading party hosts, Niko and Yardbird, will be unforgettable and surprising in many ways. The vibes and tunes livening up Annabel’s will range from chill, mellow, meditative and down-tempo to harder hiphop instrumental beats featuring a healthy dose of drums. Thanks to the brilliantly hypnotic sounds produced by Bonobo, Palmbomen II and Jeff Solo, you’ll be dancing until your feet are sore and the birds will start singing outside.


Tip of the month: Never buy hard-copy tickets from shady people loitering near the entrance to a party, trying to hawk their so-called “excess” tickets.