In the next academic year, tuition fees will rise to 1,984 euros. Institutional tuition fees will also rise for most programmes.
Statutory tuition fees, the rate that applies to most students, will rise again in the next academic year. Since the 2011-2012 academic year, tuition fees have risen by 261 euros. This year, they will rise by 33 euros, the smallest rise in recent years. Erasmus University College (EUC) fees are different from the statutory tuition fees because the programme is accredited as ‘small scale and intensive education’. Enrolment in the EUC will cost you 3,900 euros in the 2016-2017 academic year.
This year, institutional tuition fees will rise by around 2.4 percent. This is in line with the trend for statutory academic fees which also rose by 2.4 percent last year. The institutional tuition fee is payable by students from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and for students on a second programme at Erasmus University. For those groups, the university does not receive any government funding.
For the RSM and the ESE, the rise is slightly more than 2.4 percent. This is mainly due to the increased marketing and recruitment costs. Fearing that its international position might worsen if it raises its fees, the ESHCC is keeping the institutional tuition fees the same for the second year running. The EUC is actually lowering its institutional fees. During the first years, the EUC funded grants for less well-off students from outside the EEA from incoming tuition fees of 15,000 euros. Students who paid that amount actually paid 3,000 euros more, to enable less well off students from outside the EEA to pay the increased price. The programme is no longer offering these grants.
The prices for a master programme are quite a bit higher. While most faculties charge around 6,000 euros a year for a bachelor programme, students who do not fall under the statutory rate must pay at least 10,600 euros to study for a master.