You’ve finally found the ideal job, but on the very first day you find that the atmosphere at work is so unpleasant that you just feel like curling up under your desk.

Not a great start. Brixer, a new company from Amsterdam, wants to prevent that happening. So the company developed a test which looks at all aspects of working life. The test not only studies intelligence and competences, but also the corporate culture which best suits you.

Erasmus Recruitment Days

The company is one of the organisations which will be attending the Erasmus Recruitment Days (ERD) and helping students find a career. The ERD are held at the end of January, with tickets going on sale on Thursday 3 December. Students can take the online test now, free of charge. “Based on the test, they can decide which meetings with companies will be most useful,” says Laurens van Leeuwen, founder of Brixer.

A job is so much more than just a good salary and terms of employment. “When I graduated, people around me told me that entrepreneurship would suit me. I had no idea what I wanted to do,” Van Leeuwen explains. “Three years ago, I started work for a firm of consultants. That company placed great emphasis on personal development. Based on various tests and interviews, I discovered what kind of an employee I am and what exactly I expect from a company. This was really useful insight that I wish I’d had earlier.”


Van Leeuwen converted that wish into action. In January, he left the company and spent three months doing research with fellow founder Stefan van Egmond into what factors determine whether you are in the right workplace. Today, Van Leeuwen is at the stand of the ERD in T building answering questions from students who have taken the test. During the Recruitment Days, Van Leeuwen is also giving a workshop about career options. “I’ll mainly be trying to give an impression of the range of jobs and organisations in the marketplace.”

Besides sketching a personal profile, Brixer also selects suitable candidates for different companies. The company is currently focusing on economic and administrative vacancies but plans to expand the vacancy pool as soon as possible.