Anyone walking from Central Station to the Kruiskade next Friday will see the new pop-up bar ‘Avenue’. The bar is a project by ‘The initiators’ famous for Biergarten, Rauwkost and The Suicide Club, among others. Hipsterfest!

EM WEB Céline’s Tip Lobby DJ Job

On Friday 27 November, Avenue opens its doors for ‘De Lobby’. The networking party for young creatives had been on its uppers for a while but is now making a comeback by organising a networking party every two months. The advantage of ‘De Lobby’ is the audience; you don’t have to be over 25 to get in, no grey men in suits or only corporate people. No, it attracts students, designers, DJs, employers and sometimes even an MP or two. So a great party for meeting people, or if you’re tired of all that networking, a bit of sneaky flirting on the dance floor. Because there’s always dancing, which is another advantage. Oh, and the last advantage which is serious stuff: it’s free.

On Sunday 29 November, ‘Alamo Race Track’ will be in Rotown. The Netherlands’ most popular indie rock band has a new album ‘Hawks’ and will be performing tracks from it for the Rotterdam Public on Sunday.