If you want to take part in the Eureka week, you’ll have to be quick. There are already 2,450 first year students taking part in the introductory week in Rotterdam and the maximum capacity is 2,800 participants.
‘It’s now getting very close, says Eureka week organiser Lisa Verver. ‘You can see everyone with their heads down, finalising the last details. It’s now mainly practical issues, like where to put the litterbins and how to organise the participant flows properly. And groups still have to be allocated and information bags for the participants filled.’
You can still register for the Eureka week until 10 August on the Erasmus University website. ‘The Eureka week is the best start to your student life. You get to know lots of new people, so you’re not sitting on your own in the lecture hall. And you also find out where everything is in Rotterdam’, says Verver, hoping to encourage some last first year students to register.
The introductory week starts on 17 August. ES