The RSM candidates are not happy with the decision to do the elections again. But taking a candidate out of the results is impossible.

The elections for the RSM students in the Faculty and University Council have to be done again, due to irregularities during the elections in May. The candidates themselves, however, are reluctant about the decision to do the elections again, they wrote to the Executive Board of the EUR.


Everyone has exams or holidays, which makes a good campaign impossible, is the argument of the students. The turn-out in the last elections was only 13 percent, and the candidates believe students will be even less motivated to vote again. The candidates find it unfair to be victimized while only one of them made a mistake en suggest to remove the involved candidate from the results.

Juridical impossible

The Electorate Committee, however, tells that this is juridical impossible. The outcome of the election has been influenced and cancelling the votes for the involved candidate would not give an adequate representation of the election. And, more importantly, only a judge can take away the right to be voted for. The electoral rules of the university therefore only leaves the possibility to annul the results of an election. Dutch electoral law says that a candidate cannot be removed from the results, the right to take part in elections can only be taken away by a court decision. That is why the elections will be done again, with the same candidates.

Elections will take place

The candidates did not receive an official response to their letter yet, but the elections will take place. Last week all RSM students were asked to vote from 19 June up to and including 26 June for their representatives in the Faculty and University Council. TF