It all started with the idea of having a nice hoodie for all of IBA students. A better one than was available thus far.
This Facebook initiative of a couple of International Business Administration students created two weeks ago turned out to be a great success. Now, the RSM has also taken to the idea of having an official sweater that the students can proudly wear.
Dan Benhamou, Pablo Perdomo de Almeida and Floris de Wit (design) have uncovered a niche – international students love to show off that they have been studying in Rotterdam’s RSM, but up until now there have only been poor quality sweaters that were not very handy to purchase. You had to ask a secretary to get it for you or buy it online (which isn’t really functioning), and the idea of wearing lesser quality cotton and synthetic materials didn’t appeal to many.
Highly popular
However that is bound to change, because the guys’ idea that was initially posted on Facebook has taken off – 200 people in the first day said they would buy a nicely designed sweater. By now, 644 people say that they want a good quality sweater for a reasonable price.
Hundreds of sweaters
It wasn’t RSM’s priority to make quality merchandise with their brand; however after seeing how successful it was becoming in IBA, they contacted the guys to make this sweater an official one for the entire Rotterdam School of Management. After complying with strict RSM requirements of colour, font, and marketing, five hundred units will be ordered to be produced in Pakistan from highest quality cotton, with hopes to make next year’s hoodies from organic cotton.
International pride
The premium sweater will cost 33 euros and will be available in two colours, distributed by STAR in middle of June. The ESE has also shown interest to create a sweater for their own student community, and hopefully other faculties follow their lead. As Benhamou put it: “Holland is not an elitist country and the Dutch are humble, but international students, who are proud to come here and work hard, think that a sweater is a good memory and they will definitely wear it when they go home.” MD