After the success of Occupy Albron, a new Facebook hype has emerged among Erasmus students: EUR memes. EM talked to Yanick Kuper, a Dutch third-year IBCoM student, and spiritual father of this humoristic new online movement.

Born out of boredom

So how did it all start? Yanick explains that last Friday he was sitting in his room and was getting bored. He was randomly surfing on the web and found that students in the UK and the USA had made ‘meme pages’ with university-related jokes. Inspired by their initiatives, he decided to make a EUR Memes page on Facebook, and added a few memes of his own. Within minutes, people started liking and contributing to the page, which has now led to over 1200 people liking EUR Memes on Facebook. 


Yanick thinks that the main reason for its popularity is the fact that people across all faculties understand and recognize the jokes that are made. Small things, such as the coffee, the campus-under-construction or a crowded library are things all EUR students come across, and like to joke about. Yanick: “You really see a mix of people contributing to the page, not just internationals but also Dutch students.”.

Future plans?

After this huge success, what does Yanick expect to happen with EUR Memes? “Of course I can’t predict anything, but it would be nice if the page would get even more popular. We could even make t-shirts!” If you haven’t checked the page yet, you can find EUR Memes on Facebook. Contributions are very much appreciated! IS

See Gesnapt, to read how students feel about ‘memen’.