At this moment, internationals have the opportunity to live on campus in the F-building. But this will change in the future, as in the second quarter of 2013 a new building for international residents will be opened: U-building.
More than just student housing
Due to the increasing amount of international programmes, more and more students are coming from abroad to study at Erasmus University. To accommodate all these students, a new building will be constructed, not only for them, but also for Dutch students. The building will be 15 stories high, and will include 372 rooms, a supermarket-to-go, a fitness centre of 500 square meters and a food plaza.
Student Pavilion
The construction of U-building has started in the second quarter of 2011, and is organized by Vestia Rotterdam Stadswonen. You might have noticed that this is not the only project going on at the moment, as more building plans are being realized at the same time. One of these is the new student pavilion, which has been designed by the winning architect of a contest that EUR organized, in order to find a student centre that is modern, multifunctional and also has international atmosphere.
The entrance of the U-building will be next to the student pavilion, which makes it easy for the residents to go study, socialize, exercise or buy some groceries. IS