The student who assaulted a fellow student in May 2010 remains suspended until June 15, 2011. Until then he is prohibited from following lectures, taking exams and setting foot on the campus.

This is the decision the Executive Board made in mid-December, after hearing the students who were involved and a representative of their study International Business Administration (IBA).

Student can do re-sits

The second years IBA student must put his studies on hold from January the 1st to June 15. The faculty had previously requested the suspension remain in effect until the 1st of September 2011, but according to Adri Meijdam, programme director of IBA, the Rotterdam School of Management, it has been shortened to give the student a chance to pass his re-sits of first year subjects coming August.

Others involved are not affected

The other five involved students are not affected. Their part in the fight was not proven enough to warrant reprimands according to a letter of the Executive Board to the dean of the study. Incidentally, only two of those five are still studying at the EUR; the other three did not return this year after receiving a negative binding study advice.

Sanction was decided late

The sanction was decided on relatively late for a number of reasons. Before the summer, the RSM expected the police and the attorney general to inform whether the individuals would be prosecuted rather quickly. When this did not occur, the faculty waited until the procedures concerning the binding study advice were finished, to ensure that the procedures would not complicate one another. This also gave time to sort out which legal measures were possible. Meijdam does not expect the suspended student to object to the decision. “He was always cooperative and did not deny his actions.”

What is the case about?

In the night of the 19th of May a student manager of the F-building was assaulted by the suspended student, other students were said to be involved. The student manager was inflicted with injuries and a small concussion. His door was vandalized as well.

Two of the six suspects lived in the F-building and had to clear their rooms first thing next day, on a account of the landlord Stadswonen. WG

Read also: F-Building attackers will be penalised – June 21 2010

Read also: Two IBA students evicted from F-building after assault – June 7 2010