Exams are coming, work is piling up, but are you an unstoppable productive human machine…
Always working on the same desk, a chocolate bar a day or making plants grow in an app:…
1,255 (digital) exam stations will be placed in the old sports building. This will…
All teaching will be online this month for International Business Administration second…
From 20 September, the maximum limit of 75 students will not apply to exams. But the…
For the first time since the start of the lockdown, the Erasmus School of Economics…
The sun is shining, students can go to the campus again, although on a limited basis. It…
Some ten thousand students every year miss the registration deadline for an exam that…
In the controversy surrounding online proctored exams, lecturers are caught in the…
ProctorExam, the Dutch company that provides Erasmus University with proctoring software,…
The Hebrew University has criticised the Dutch research institute NIAS for its decision…
Higher education institutions have once again been targeted by a DDoS attack. All…
Erasmus University is also experiencing disruptions caused by cyber-attacks targeting…
Epidemiologist Arfan Ikram uncovered a link between genetics, head size, dementia and…