In a press release, the university states that pro-Palestinian protests in May and June ended in vandalism, graffiti and buildings being occupied. Barricades were erected, rooms and windows smashed, doors forced open and walls daubed with paint.

The University of Amsterdam puts the total cost of the protests at 4.1 million euros. This includes cleaning costs and the expense of replacing coffee machines, furniture, monitors, security cameras and smashed windows.

New construction halted

The construction of the new university library suffered a delay of almost three months. The University of Amsterdam estimates the cost of the delay at 2.5 million euros, in addition to direct damage to the construction site caused during the protests.

The university intends to recover the damages from the perpetrators ‘if legally feasible’. If this fails, it will file a claim with its insurer.

Students blocked the bridge with a barricade during the day on the Roeterseiland campus of the UvA.

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169 demonstrators at UvA wrongfully arrested

On the night of 6 to 7 May, demonstrators occupied the Roeterseiland campus in Amsterdam.…