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Read more about the app ROOM

ROOM: Erasmus University’s new app to help reduce stress

Students can now start using ROOM, an app designed by Erasmus University to support…

Do you already use apps for your wellbeing? Or do you believe you should actually spend less time on your phone for the sake of your mental health? What are your thoughts (and tips for boosting mental wellbeing)? We’d love to hear your opinions either way.

In 2021,the EUR app was voted down by the University Council. The 1.1 million euros needed to fund it had to be sourced differently, and they succeeded. After four and a half years of development, the ROOM app is now available. You can download it from Apple and Google’s app stores. You’ll need to log in with your student account. In the future, the app is likely to be made available to students from other universities as well.

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