Nervously, the new students walk in a crowd from the metro to Ahoy for the opening ceremony of Eurekaweek. There’s little colour in the surroundings, but the eyeshadow of 19-year-old Ingrid Mîndroc immediately catches the eye. It’s a metallic turquoise shade, paired with sharp eyeliner. It complements the corset she’s wearing: the same turquoise with black lace. Her style is her comfort zone. It gives her the confidence to be social.
When the photographer takes her picture, she instinctively knows how to pose. She tilts her head slightly back, ensuring the sun hits from the right angle. With a look like this, she feels like ‘that bitch’, ready to take on a new country.
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Ingrid has only just arrived in Rotterdam from Romania and is still looking for people who suit her. Back in Romania, she enjoyed shopping second-hand with her friends. She loves finding something beautiful for a small price. The friends would share their clothes with each other. Now, in the Netherlands, Ingrid is alone, having left her friends and their shared wardrobe behind. It’s an adjustment. “I’m wearing this earring, and my friend has the other”, she says, pointing to her right ear. She admits to bringing a lot of earrings – too many, in fact. She couldn’t part with them just yet.
She’s been making herself up for years. She doesn’t need to wake up early to do her makeup; it comes naturally. Her interest in fashion stems from her love of art. She’s been drawing for years and even considered art school, but didn’t see a future in it. So, she chose International Business Administration, which suits her mathematical talents. During Eurekaweek, she’s still on the lookout for creativity. Friends who share her love for art, perhaps the New Fashion Society, or ideally, a pottery course.