
After the first twenty hours had passed, the team including Ali Alshamayleh, Teodora Comanescu and Nino Vanaria was still busy brainstorming their ideas. However, because of a hidden basement in Ali’s apartment, the team was keen on using this as an opportunity to produce a horror movie, called Smoke Sesh. While the script is still being developed, the team already agreed that Ali will be filming, Nino will be a visitor to the apartment and Teodora will take on the role of the ‘creature’ living in the basement. Overall, the team is happy with their progress but knows of the challenges still ahead of them, as Ali stated “There is so much that can go wrong. But so far, so good.”

The winning team

After finishing the project, each team’s movie was showcased at the final event in Erasmus Paviljoen. To decide on the winner, the audience had to indicate which movie they enjoyed the most, by cheering the loudest for their favourite team. Despite a record number of teams participating, Smoke Sesh receiveed the most extensive cheers and was therefore crowned as the winners of this year’s 84-hour film project.


Watch the film here.

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