The motive behind Fouad L.’s shooting of lecturer Jurgen Damen remains unclear, as Damen was not affiliated with the Examination Board. Sleijfer confirmed that in May, Erasmus MC was informed by the Public Prosecution Service that the student had been convicted of animal cruelty, and that the Public Prosecution Service questioned whether he was a suitable person to practise as a physician.
‘Not unwilling’
In light of this, the Examination Board initiated discussions. Although L. had earned enough credits to be awarded his medical degree, the Board added the condition that he undergo a psychological assessment and that a psychologist was to declare whether he was suitable to practise as a physician.
According to the Chair, L. was ‘not unwilling’ to comply with these conditions, but he failed to follow up on them. “It remains unknown whether he actually consulted a psychologist”, Sleijfer wrote.
Aside from the letter from the Public Prosecution Service, Sleijfer stated that there were no indications that the student posed a danger or should be denied access to Erasmus MC.
Never the same
In his statement, Sleijfer also expressed his thoughts on the suffering experienced by the hospital’s staff, students, patients and visitors. “Today, we have begun the difficult process of trying to resume normalcy as much as possible. Erasmus MC is deeply shaken by the events of 28 September. We have lost a beloved lecturer due to an incomprehensible act. Jurgen Damen was a well-known figure in the educational world of Rotterdam. Our hearts go out to Jurgen’s family. Erasmus MC will never be the same again.”
Ik zag dat verdachte reeds in 2014 een master student was. Ik vind het vrij vreemd dat verdachte zo lang over de opleiding tot basisarts kon doen. Volgens de media kloeg hij ook dat hij tijdens zijn opleiding telkens door nieuwe hoepels moest springen. Dit kan uiteraard geen verklaring zijn voor de daden waarvan verdachte beschuldigd wordt,maar hier doemt wat mij betreft toch wel het beeld op van iemand die veel te lang niet de nodige menselijke zorg en aandacht gekregen heeft die hij nodig had. Daarbij is het optreden van het OM moreel verwerpelijk. Zij meenden gezien de geestestoestand van de verdachte problemen te voorzien en triggerden die uiteindelijk zelf samen met de universiteit. Universiteit en OM dienen voor zichzelf na te gaan waar zij steken hebben laten vallen. Alles volledig afschuiven op de verdachte is immoreel.
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