
“I am here because I’m very angry at what’s happening now,” says student Jesse. She is referring to collaborations between the EUR and the fossil industry. She hopes all students will support the protest. “Because it’s about our future! I am 18 years old and I might not be able to live in my city in thirty years because it will be under water.”

Psychology and Philosophy student Zeynep attends the protest as well. During the occupation, she also saw people opposed to the protest. “They asked ‘why are you here?’. They think that we’re disrupting education, while this is really an important issue. There will be no education if we don’t have a world to live in.”

Both students are not optimistic that EUR will come up with a solution soon. “Honestly, I don’t think the university is going to do anything,” says Zeynep. Jesse: “But we are not stopping, we are going to try everything until our goal is reached!”