Paul de Boer specialised in econometrics and statistics. He was one of the authors of ‘Econometric Methods with Applications in Business and Economics’. This textbook still helps students to get a working understanding and hands-on experience of current econometrics.
Christiaan Heij, Assistant Professor in statistics and econometrics, worked with Paul de Boer at the Econometric Institute. He remembers him as an active economist who was very much involved in societal challenges. ‘Paul was a mathematical economist and statistician with a special interest in input-output and demand analysis. He was politically and socially involved, particularly in international issues concerning developing countries. He remained active after his retirement. For example, he told me recently that his last article will be published this year using similar techniques (linear expenditure systems) as his first article that was published in 1969, more than fifty years ago.’
‘Paul had a characteristic sense of humour, with all sorts of language jokes. He was also an excellent editor and removed the smallest errors from texts. He taught me, for instance, the difference between the multiplication symbol and the letter x. Whenever I need the multiplication symbol in Word, I think of him.’
Harry Post, Sr.Officer Management Information Supply at Erasmus School of Economics worked with Paul since the late eighties. ‘Since then, we have talked regularly about anything and everything, but especially about football. Although Paul was an ADO supporter, like me he had a season ticket with Sparta. We did not sit next to each other, but at the start of a match I would check to see if Paul was there too. In the winter it was a lot easier because of his sensational headgear. Last home match, one of my Sparta friends checked whether Paul was there, but to no avail.’
Our sympathy goes out to Paul’s family, his friends and former colleagues.
Patrick Groenen
Dean Erasmus School of Economics