The campaign for the elections starts officially on Tuesday. Students and staff members can cast their vote between 10 May and 18 May. Students can vote for all student candidates, staff only for employees of their own faculty. Because some faculties have as many or less staff candidates as there are seats available, no elections need to be held for them. These employees are automatically elected. The results will be officially announced on 25 May.

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Candidates for the Council (students) 2021-2022

25 students are running for the University Council elections this year. Get to know them…

The University Council is the highest participation body of the university. The elected members have, among other things, the right to consent to the main lines of the university budget, student regulations and the right to be consulted or informed on a large number of administrative matters. Students are elected for one year, employees for two years.

Just like last year, EM publishes the official list of candidates for the U-council elections. View the list of student or employee candidates.