In total 1500 young people will participate in the pilot, five hundred at each institution. Irrespective of the corona measures, these students will be able to visit the campus more often for education or study. They will be tested at least three times between 1 March and 10 May, by means of a test that they must take at home.
Insight into behaviour
The pilot is mainly intended to gain insight into the students’ behaviour and is being analysed by scientists of Erasmus MC. Ultimately, the study should provide insight into how physical education activities can be safely organised on a larger scale. If rapid testing at home proves to be reliable and effective, it could mean that much more education and examinations can be organised on campus, according to the Erasmus University press release.
It is not yet known which students will be allowed to participate in the pilot and what conditions they will have to meet. According to a spokesperson of the university, recruitment will start as soon as possible.