Erasmus TV: ‘A good university should be able to offer high-quality education, both offline and online’
In the last episode of this academic year, we present the results of the EM survey on how students experienced education during the corona crisis. Our guests in the studio are Hans van den Berg, chairman of the University Council, and IBA student Denisa Kasa. Students Ellen Kremer and Ilse Zwakke join the conversation via Skype.
< 1 minute read
Just to clarify my understanding :
1- the survey did not compare Erasmus during the Coronavirus crisis against the other universities in NL and in the world. It compared Erasmus during the Coronavirus crisis versus Erasmus before the global crisis. Why? I miss the point of not looking at the competition, and the point of being nostalgic. The real question is: are we the best in the world when it comes to teaching during the crisis? What do we need to do to be the best?
2- the survey wished to measure the truth – the quality of education during the coronacrisis. But it asked people who have monetary interests to not say the truth: the worst they say the education was, the more likely (they think) they are to get money in their pockets in the form of reimbursement. The measurement should have taken that into account. As the saying goes: measure twice, cut once.
Why does not EM do a survey taking into account the above?
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