
You cannot go to lectures in Erasmus MC, but you have to work in the same hospital. It seems contradictory, but still this is the reality for many medical students. Many of them work in student teams at Erasmus MC, some even in the pulmonary department where Covid-19 patients are treated.

Gabrielle herself works in the thorax department, but she gets a close look at the crisis. “A while ago there was a patient in our department, who later turned out to be infected,” she says. However, Gabrielle is not afraid of the virus. “When you are working, you consciously deal with it, but of course you think about it often.”

Gabrielle is happy that she can still do something during the crisis. “Many students cannot do anything during this lecture stop, but medical students are encouraged to cooperate in the hospital,” she says. Has this crisis changed her view of healthcare? “Everyone has always considered healthcare important, but now you really notice how important it really is.”

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