Erasmus University Rotterdam has ‘strongly advised’ all of its exchange students in Hong Kong to leave immediately, after the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands changed their travel advice for Hong Kong from green (‘no special security risks’) to yellow (‘security risks’).


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In the midst of the Hong Kong protests

Wouter, a third-year student of Erasmus University on exchange at the CUHK, is inside the…

Hong Kong has seen months of protests which expanded to the campus of Chinese University of Hong Kong on Tuesday. The university is ready to reimburse the students for the costs of their return flight, in case they do not have travel insurance. Individual-specific arrangements will be made by the faculties regarding the fate of the study progress and obtained credits of those on exchange in Hong Kong.

74 EUR students started their exchange in Hong Kong this semester. A small number of them is already back in the Netherlands.

If you are in Hong Kong and want to leave, you can contact the International Office.

Protest Hongkong op campus – Wouter

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Studying during the Hong Kong protests: ‘Beneath the gas masks are ordinary students’

Wouter studies in Hong Kong and closely follows the student protests. He took photos for…