Last Saturday, for the fourth time, student association RSC/RVSV organised the rally Rijden tegen kanker (Driving against cancer) to raise money for the Dutch Cancer Society. This event is an initiative of a student who wanted to contribute for cancer research due to his brother’s illness.

Early morning, the participants gathered in Van Nelle Fabriek in Rotterdam. Dutch celebrity Paul de Leeuw waved the flag to start the rally. “I’ve had cancer myself,” he told us about the reason of his involvement. “That’s why I find it important to support this charity.”

De Leeuw is not the only one, a number of organisers and participants have had experience with the disease. “Eight years ago, my mother passed away from cancer,” said Job Sinke of RSC/RVSV. “Organizing this event helps me take away the feeling of hopelessness.”

The participants rode through parts of Noord-Brabant and Zuid-Holland to reach the finish at the Woudestein campus. The participants found the rally fantastic. “It’s a very nice day,” said one participant at the end of the ride. “This time I rode with my daughter and I really had a great time.”

A total of 82 teams participated in the event and the student association raised 64 thousands euros for the Dutch Cancer Society.

Watch the video here:
