One in three respondents said that the Spar supermarket and the food court on campus had insufficient healthy options available, and that the campus catering and supermarket were not appropriate for a sustainable campus. Students and staff rated the food court and supermarket considerably higher in other areas, such as hygiene, atmosphere, opening hours and the provision of information. More than half rated these aspects as “good”, “very good” or “excellent”.

Less satisfactory

It’s notable that in almost all aspects, students and staff gave Spar and the food court a lower rating than last year. For example, 56 percent awarded the catering and campus supermarket a rating of “good” overall. The 2017 figure was 79 percent. Far fewer respondents believe the facilities are appropriate for an international university: where 76 percent rated this aspect as “good” in 2017, the 2018 figure was just 53 percent. The results do show visitors to be more satisfied with the cleaning than in 2017.

Students and staff rated Spar and the food court on eight aspects. The university’s minimum requirement is that more than half of those responding rate each aspect as “good”, “very good” or “excellent”. If they provide an unsatisfactory score for any particular aspect, such as sustainability and healthy choices this time, the operators must take action.


An e-mail from a spokesperson says the university has no explanation for the declining satisfaction. A press release states that the operators have already taken measures: they are using bioplastics and have adapted menus to the demand for sustainable and healthy products.


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