The Council already informed the Executive Board in writing last week that it would not be endorsing the new model. This decision was re-confirmed during the Council’s meeting on Tuesday. One consequence of this rejection is that it is very unlikely that the allocation model will be included in EUR’s 2019 budget. The Executive Board plans to formally adopt this budget in the spring.
Among other objections, the Council stated that it finds the proposed model insufficiently transparent, and that it focuses too heavily on rewarding faculties for increasing student numbers and conferrals. In addition, the University Council is far from happy with the range of special agreements made with individual faculties in addition to the general allocation model. The Executive Board denies, incidentally, that any such agreements are in place.
Calculation method
The allocation model is a calculation method used to distribute direct funding from the Dutch government among the central university organisation, the faculties and institutes. This funding amounts to some 270 million euros per year. Faculties are allocated a fixed amount, increased by separate bonuses per student and awarded diploma. This model is used to draw up EUR’s annual budget.
The university has already been working on a new version of the allocation model for two years now. This process was initiated after it was indicated that the existing model was felt to be insufficiently transparent. Moreover, the university hoped a revised model would encourage cross-faculty collaboration.