A central hub for the University’s development of MOOCs, web lectures and innovative ideas in the field of digitisation and education. That’s the role envisioned for the new Community for Learning and Innovation. Rector Huib Pols officially launched the community today during the opening of the academic year.
“We need a central location from where we can strengthen the combination of online, blended and face-to-face education,” the Rector said during his speech in the main auditorium. The community will be sharing knowledge, helping faculties and translating students and lecturers’ ideas into projects that are intended to contribute to education at EUR. Among other things, this ambition will be supported by various modern facilities and a state-of-the-art studio that is used to record the University’s digital course packages (MOOCs).
Students for students
Another feature of the new community is Students for Students, a platform for students who have their own innovative ideas about the further improvement of EUR’s education programme.
When the basic student grant was abolished in 2015, the University promised that it would make extra investments in its education programme. A share of the pledged funds has been invested in this new community.