EUR students will have to keep waiting until at least May for the 900 additional study places which will be created by the re-opening of the renovated university library. The contractor looks set to complete the building at the end of January, a few weeks later than scheduled.

There is just one problem: the building is empty and its furnishings cannot yet be supplied.

Summary proceedings because of tender award

EUR called for tenders in the prescribed manner so as to select a supplier of furnishings. In the end EUR did pick a supplier, but a third party then took the university to court because of this tender award. This party feels that EUR’s decision as to who will be allowed to supply the library’s furnishings was not well considered. The names of the two suppliers have not been released.

The case has already been discussed in summary proceedings. The verdict will be issued on 31 January. In the best-case scenario, the judge will find that EUR properly carried out the tender procedure. If so, the university will be able to order the required items from its chosen supplier, and students will have to wait until at least May for the UL to re-open. In the worst-case scenario, EUR will have to carry out the entire tender procedure again, which will result in a delay of several weeks, or possibly several months.

Re-opening of Sanders Building also postponed

The re-opening of the Sanders Building will also be delayed, due to the inability of a contractor to complete the renovation on schedule. The contractor in question was supposed to hand the building over in late December, which would have enabled the university to re-open the building by March, but this is not going to happen.

EUR now hopes the first lectures will be able to be taught in the Sanders Building on 3 April. The university has a back-up plan, meaning all lectures scheduled for March will be able to be taught.