On Saturday, the Erasmus 1 korfball team beat SDO from Hillegom under a glorious autumn sun. The Rotterdammers took an early lead in the RSC Velox sports complex in Crooswijk and refused to relinquish it. The final score: 21-15.

The student team was promoted last year to the third class I and looked to be facing a difficult season. After five matches, however, things were looking good with Erasmus sharing third place.

Great test

The match against number two SDO was a great opportunity for the newly promoted team to prove themselves against a higher level opponent. But they gave SDO short shrift: after ten seconds, the ball had already landed in the visitors’ basket.

Erasmus seemed to be feeling at ease in the pleasant autumn weather in the Rotterdam Sportclub Velox sports complex. As did the home spectators, enjoying their alcoholic refreshments and watching their favourite team playing well.

Long shots

Especially the giant Stefan van der Giessen scored seemingly at will. His long shots – many of which frustratingly missed their target – resulted in a 12-8 lead at the break. In the second period, it was neck and neck. Gradually SDO improved its game. Still Erasmus maintained its lead, varying between three and five points.

That was until ten minutes before the end, when the home team decided the match. A couple of swift attacks ran circles around SDO. The Hillegom team went home beaten 21-15.


At the end, match winner and top scorer Van der Giessen remained modest and was keen to praise the dynamics of his team. “Things went well today. But if I have an off day, a teammate will score the goals. That creates a dynamic and fast game on our side.”

The fact that the sport is mixed creates even more dynamics, according to Van der Giessen. “Korfball doesn’t have a typical male or female atmosphere. That keeps it varied. For example, I met my girlfriend at korfball.”

After the win, Erasmus has amassed eight points from six matches, putting it in equal place with SDO. Next week, they will be playing an away game against De Eemvogels from Soest.