Only 22 students have put themselves forward for the twelve student seats up for grabs in the University Council (U-Council). This is a remarkably low number, especially compared with last year, when at least 34 students stood for the Council.

Hardly any choice

Three faculties will not even have to go to the ballot, since the number of U-Council candidates does not exceed the number of available seats. Erasmus MC/iBMG and FW have two candidates and one candidate, respectively, while no one volunteered for a seat at ESHCC.

In the four remaining ‘electoral districts’, more than two students are standing for the Council. ESL has six candidates, whereas ESE and RSM each have five. FSW offers the choice of three candidates.

What the U-Council actually does

The U-Council represents EUR students and employees at the university-wide level. The Council regularly discusses matters pertaining to education, research, staffing, governance and infrastructure with the Executive Board.

The Council is made up of 24 councillors: twelve students and twelve members of staff. The number of seats on the Council differs from faculty to faculty, and is dependent on a faculty’s size. For instance, ESE has two student representatives as well as two staff representatives on the Council, whereas ISS only has one seat, to be occupied by a member of staff.

EUR members can vote for the U-Council’s student councillors from 19 to 27 April. They can also vote for members of the faculty councils, the BMG Institute Council and Erasmus MC’s student council.

Please vote online through