Minister of Education Bussemaker treats students as if they’re infants, says SP member of the House of Representatives Jasper van Dijk. “She was full of understanding during the occupation of the Maagdenhuis, but now she’s showing that she hasn’t really understood anything about it at all.”
“I read an angry article by the SP,” said Minister Bussemaker in an interview with the Higher Education Press Office (Hoger Onderwijs Persbureau) on Wednesday. “They want students to elect the Executive Board. That is a good idea if you intend to destroy institutions fast.,”
In his reaction SP member of the House of Representatives Jasper van Dijk stated that Bussemaker’s comments were “a slap in the face for students and lecturers. The height of arrogance.” According to Bussemaker the administration of institutions is too complicated to be left in the hands of students. She’s showing her true face as a “representative of the old boys network,” says Van Dijk.
“New legislation is superficial”
Van Dijk feels that the minister’s attitude is reflected in the new legislation intended to strengthen the influence of students and lecturers. The legislation contains provisions that grant participation in decision-making bodies to the power to issue recommendations for the recruitment of new Executive Board members as well as for the appointment and dismissal of Executive Board members. According to Van Dijk these are “nothing but cosmetic changes.”
This fall the House of Representatives will hold a debate regarding the legislation, but the SP has drafted its own policy document that also contains a proposal to allow students and lecturers to directly elect the Executive Board.